Friday, January 26, 2007

Two new updates!

This was done in painter 9 for the most part. then little bit of Photoshop to color correct it.
nothing special nothing tricky, just applied brush right on the white canvas.
took about 3-4 hrs.

This one was originally color sketched with painter 9, then went in the photoshop and filtered the crap out of it to make this look.
color sketch... about 30mins.
total, i spent about 2-3hrs.
thing about this one is that after i was done rendering everything i realized that some of the light was facing the wrong direction, casting weird shadow that cannot be explained by human logic.
so, i had to recolor A LOT!!!
so, ... note to self. watch the light direction, and don't mess up. .. Done.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

First post from this blog!!!!

Welcome to my little blog section of this website.
I will be posting sketches, mabbe some project that im working on, or whatever. so check often!